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Downloads and prepares race-by-geography tables from U.S. census data, using the easycensus package. Requires that an api key be set up through easycensus::cens_auth() in that package, usually by storing it in the CENSUS_API_KEY environment variable. Supports data from the decennial census and the American Community Survey at a variety of levels of geographic detail. The output of this function can be used directly in bisg().


  geo = c("us", "state", "county", "zcta", "tract"),
  year = 2010,
  survey = c("dec", "acs1", "acs5"),
  counts = TRUE



The geographic level to return. Common options are listed in the function signature, but any of the geographies listed at easycensus::cens_geo() may be used.


Further subgeographies to return, as in easycensus::cens_geo().


The year for the data


The data product to use: either the decennial census ("dec"), or the the 1-year or 5-year ACS.


If TRUE, return the GEOID column as the unique geographic identifier; if FALSE, return a human-readable name. For example, with geo="state", setting GEOIDs=FALSE will return a column named state with entries like "Massachusetts".


If TRUE, return the table as actual population counts; if FALSE, return table as percentages within each geography.


A data frame with geographic identifier column(s) and six columns white, black, etc. containing the counts or proportion of residents in each racial group.


census_race_geo_table("zcta", year=2010)
#> # A tibble: 33,120 × 7
#>    GEOID white black  hisp asian  aian other
#>    <chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#>  1 00601    80     2 18486     1     1     0
#>  2 00602   216    13 41265    15     0    11
#>  3 00603   628   101 53877    50     2    31
#>  4 00606    32     3  6575     4     0     1
#>  5 00610   187    22 28789     8     0    10
#>  6 00612   439    45 66435    48     5    38
#>  7 00616    36    11 10965     1     1     3
#>  8 00617   110    17 24450    15     0     5
#>  9 00622   129     8  7708     3     0     5
#> 10 00623   326    28 42665    18     1    23
#> # ℹ 33,110 more rows
if (FALSE) {
# Census API key required
census_race_geo_table("us", year=2010)
census_race_geo_table("state", year=2021, survey="acs1")
census_race_geo_table("state", year=2021, survey="acs1", GEOIDs=FALSE) }