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This vignette provides more specific details of how causal_tbl objects work and how to extend them. Most users won’t need to know much about causal_tbls except that they’re (1) extensions of tibbles and (2) they rely on a causal_cols attribute that makes things “just work”. The causal_cols are the columns for different causal variables that play an important role. The package provides various getter and setter functions for these.

This vignette covers: 1. How causal_cols works internally. 2. How to extend the type if your model needs shiny new causal variables.

Internal Design of causal_tbl

Like in the README, here we use a simple difference-in-differences example: 8 observations for 2 units, across 4 years.

df <- data.frame(
  id = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b", "b"),
  year = rep(2015:2018, 2),
  trt = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1),
  y = c(1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 4, 5)

Here, when we create the causal_tbl, we can specify the outcome and treatment directly via .outcome and .treatment.

did <- causal_tbl(df, .outcome = y, .treatment = trt)

All causal attributes can be recovered with causal_cols():

#> $outcomes
#> [1] "y"
#> $treatments
#>     y 
#> "trt"

Each of these elements is a character vector, with each element being a name of a column in the data frame. For some variables, this vector should be of length 1, but for other variables, there may be multiple columns of that type.

In our case, the causal_cols() are the outcome and treatment. The outcome has no name, i.e., it’s just "y". The treatments entry indicates that trt automatically corresponds to "y" as the outcome related to this treatment. This is indicated by the name.

The optional names() of the columns within a particular element of causal_cols convey information on any associated variable. For example, the treatment variable is by default associated with a particular outcome. And a propensity score or outcome model is associated with a particular treatment or outcome variable.

However, you are not limited to one treatment or one outcome. For example, if a package author was developing methods for causal inference with multiple continuous treatments, the treatment element of causal_cols could have an entry for each treatment column.

Once set, these column names within causal_cols are automatically updated if columns are renamed, or set to NULL if columns are dropped. This reassignment happens automatically and silently in all cases.

Extending causal_tbl with new causal_cols

Now, if you need something fancy, odds are should implement a new attribute for causal_cols. As we saw before, causal_cols attributes can be gotten via causal_cols(). They can be set using causal_cols() <- ....

Each new entry to causal_cols should be a named list, where:

  • the name of the list denotes, in short form, what the thing is (i.e. if they’re propensity scores, the name should be pscores)
  • each entry in the list denotes one of those things
  • each name of each entry indicates what that entry corresponds to

It is the responsibility of implementers of particular methods to check that a causal_tbl has the necessary columns set via helpers like has_treatment(), has_outcome(), etc.